Sunday, 25 September 2011

School Holiday Ideas

With the school holidays just about upon us, we wonder what there is to do, to keep young minds occupied. Over the next few days we will post a variety of  'how to' templates for activities including  Papier Mache construction, simple recipes, art and craft, gardening and drawing classes.

 How to Build a Working Volcano

You will need:
For the Base cut down the sides a bookbox or soft drink box to approx 15 cms high
For the Volcano recycled small orange juice container*
                          recycled 'Borocca' container* or must fit inside the other..
Papier Mache Shell
Butchers' paper
PVA glue diluted with a little water
Masking tape
To Decorate
Paint in brown, black, shades of green
Small rocks and leaf matter[optional]
Water based varnish to seal your model
Place 'Borocca' container inside mouth of juice bottle. Tape the juice bottle to the base, and pack it in tightly, with crumpled up newspaper. Use tape to hold in place,  form a cone around the juice bottle to make yor volcano shape.
Tear the  remaining newspaper into strips.
Fill the T/A food containers to about 2cm deep with glue and dilute with a little water.
Dip the newspaper into the glue and remove excess, by running it between your forefinger and index finger.
Starting from just inside the 'Borrocca' container, overlap the papier mache strips around the volcano shape and across to the edges of the base.... so that you are creating a watertight seal.
Leave to dry for approx 2-3 days.
Repeat the papier mache layer 2  more times....allowing each layer to dry thoroughly.
Make one further papier mache layer with torn strips of butchers' paper.

Your model is ready to decorate now.... we used green, black and brown paint, and small rocks and ferns to create a natural mountain can decorate your model however you like....maybe add some lakes, or snow....
Seal your model with clear varnish.... so that when the volcano erupts you have a completely watertight model.

Now the fun part.......

You will need:
Warm water
3 tsp Baking Soda [bicarb soda]
Red food colouring
Few drops dishwashing liquid

Fill bottle chamber 1/3 with warm water. Fill bottle chamber to 2/3 with vinegar. Add three drops of each dishwashing liquid and red or orange food coloring to the mixture. Wrap two teaspoons baking soda in a small piece of tissue paper then drop it into chamber full of liquid. As the tissue dissolves, eruption occurs as carbon dioxide gas forces the liquid out of the chamber.