Thursday, 18 July 2013

Truffle Festival at Fyshwick Fresh Food Markets



Truffles (we are talking about the fungi variety, not the chocolate ones here) have been highly sought after by chefs and foodies for years: 

And it's Truffle season in Canberra from June 'till mid August.

To celebrate the Fyshwick Fresh Food Markets are holding a Truffle Festival from June 23rd until July 27th.

There will be fresh black truffles and truffle products at Mart Deli, Deli Planet, Wiffens and Happy Pastures.  And truffles on the menu at Bean and Grain, Deli Planet and Ocean Fresh Seafoods. 

Be sure to take in one of the truffle cooking demonstrations presented by 3seeds . Or why not book yourself into a Master class?

So that the kids don't miss out there are even truffle cooking classes for 6-12 year olds.

And we are doing FREE  truffle- inspired craft from 11am - 2pm Saturday July 20th.

There is a great line up of live music to enjoy, plus truffle flavoured popcorn, kids colouring competition and face painting..see you there!!!

To find out more about Truffles and the Canberra Region Truffle Festival follow these links.